

1. 人体基因编辑:这项科技被禁止 because it could be used to create“完美” humans, who would not have flaws or natural born defects.

2. 克隆人:这项科技也被禁止 because it could be used to create“完美” humans, who would not have flaws or natural born defects.

3. 大规模杀人武器:这些武器被禁止 because they could be used to harm large numbers of people, especially during a war.

4. 人类基因改造:这项科技被禁止 because it could be used to create“完美” humans, who would not have flaws or natural born defects.

5. 人工智能控制人类:这项科技被禁止 because it could be used to control and manipulate people with AI.

6. 病毒武器:这些武器被禁止 because they could be used to harm large numbers of people, especially during a war.

7. 基因编辑工具:这些工具被禁止 because they could be used to create“完美” humans, who would not have flaws or natural born defects.

8. 人体器官移植:这项科技被禁止 because it could be used to profit from the trade of human organs.

这些科技被禁止 because they are dangerous, unethical, and could cause harm to people. 我们应该遵守这些规定,确保我们的科技发展符合道德和伦理标准。

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