物流学3 -顾客服务(4.如何理解物流客户服务-)

物流学3 -顾客服务(4.如何理解物流客户服务-)

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Share interest, spread happiness, increase knowledge, leave a good!Dear you, here is the LearningYard new academy.Today small make up today to bring "logistics 3 | customer service".


Customers are very important for enterprises.In today's fierce business competition environment, companies that see customers as "trouble" are hard to sustain for too long.Let's see a few frequently cited classic statements related to dissatisfied customers.The cost of developing new customers is five times that of retaining old customers.Ninety-five percent of dissatisfied customers do not express their dissatisfaction to the company, but they will stop buying the company's products, telling an average of unpleasant shopping experiences to nine people.It's much easier to retain old customers than to develop new ones.Therefore, customer service should strive to make customers satisfied and develop a perception that it is easy to do business with the company.

物流学3 -顾客服务(4.如何理解物流客户服务-)

顾客服务能成为非常好的竞争武器,而且比起价格和促销等其他营销手段,顾客服务更难以被竞争对手效仿。诺德斯特龙( Nordstrom's,一家高端零售商)在顾客服务方面具有持久声誉,这种对顾客的关注使诺德斯特龙的竞争对手难以匹敌。例如,本书的一位作者曾在诺德斯特龙购物,发现了一款中意的皮带,可是店内库存中没有合适尺寸的该款皮带。几天后,这位作者接到诺德斯特龙销售员的电话,告知本地店铺内已有尺寸合适的皮带。销售员确定诺德斯特龙的另一家店铺有合适尺寸的皮带,并通过空运紧急调货到本地商店。皮带的零售价大约45美元,很可能诺德斯特龙在这次交易中亏了钱,但可以做出合理的假设,很少有其他零售商会模仿诺德斯特龙的顾客服务行为。

Customer service can be a very good competitive weapon, and it is even harder to emulate by its competitors than by other marketing methods, such as price and promotion.Nordstrom's (a high-end retailer) has a lasting reputation for customer service that makes Nordstrom's rivals unmatched.For example, one of the authors of the book went shopping in Nordstrom and found a favorite belt, but it did not have the right size in the store.A few days later, the author received a call from a Nordstrom salesman about the right size belts in the local store.The salesman determined that another Nordstrom store had the appropriate sized belt and made an emergency shipment to the local store by air lift.The belt retail for about $45 and it is likely that Nordstrom lost money on the deal, but reasonable assumptions can be made that few other retailers would imitate Nordstrom's customer service behavior.


Changes in the macro environment such as globalization and technological progress have made both enterprises and individuals put forward higher requirements for customer service.As mentioned in the previous chapter, customer expectations grow over time.If the relevant performance (service) level does not keep up, then customers may not be satisfied.In addition, this chapter also emphasizes that reliable services can allow businesses to maintain only low levels of inventory, especially safe inventory, and so the inventory holding costs are also lower.Moreover, in today's increasingly automated and computerized world, the relationship between customers and sellers becomes mechanized.From the customer's perspective, this is frustrating and inefficient.Enterprises that can provide high service level, especially those with high service level of personal services, should find that they have strong sales advantages in the market.


Moreover, the general implementation of seller quality control plans makes a higher level of service inevitable.In recent years, many businesses, especially retailers and wholesalers, have become more focused on inventory.The emphasis on inventory has led to the emergence of computer-aided analysis to identify sellers who have consistently provided good or poor levels of service.In the past, serious customer service problems were often repeated before the seller took corrective measures.Today, these factors are automatically programmed to write on human computers, and companies can closely monitor the quality of service of each seller.


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